Midlands Orthopaedics & Neurosurgery
Contact Dr. Gross’ Staff
For more information or to make an appointment:
Local: (803) 256-4107
Columbia, SC Office

Mailing & Surgery Center
1910 Blanding Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Irmo, SC Office

General Patient Visits
1013 Lake Murray Boulevard
Irmo, SC 29063
Lee Webb, RN, MSN, APRN, DNP
- First Assistant in surgery with extensive knowledge of procedure, surgical approach, and implant questions
- Contact for surgeons who wish to observe
E-mail: lee.webb@midorthoneuro.com
Call and leave a voicemail: (803) 331-6894
Evelyn Washington, Administrative Secretary
- Submit initial new patient information packet
E-mail: evelyn.washington@midorthoneuro.com
Call: (803) 933-6170
Fax: (803) 454-0568
Crystal Spires, Medical Assistant
- For any issues regarding surgery scheduling
- For insurance questions (she will refer you to the appropriate person in our office and at the hospital to answer your specific questions.)
E-mail: crystal.spires@midorthoneuro.com
Call: (803) 933-6106
Sherri Chamberlain, Office Assistant
- For assistance with postoperative remote follow-ups or obtaining signed x-ray/physical exam/metal ion prescriptions
E-mail: sherri.chamberlain@midorthoneuro.com
Call: (803) 933-6101
Brittney Stewart, Clinical Assistant
- For appointments and clinical questions
- For any pre or postoperative questions
E-mail: brittney.stewart@midorthoneuro.com
Call: (803) 933-6366
The physicians and physical therapy department at Midlands Orthopaedics & Neurosurgery will ensure the most comprehensive approach to help find relief for you in the quickest way possible.