Total Hip Replacement
Benefits of Total Hip Replacement
When all non-surgical options have been tried and aren’t good enough, total hip replacement may be the next step. There are several types of hip replacement that will be discussed later, all of which require hip surgery. It must be remembered that total hip replacement does not give you a normal joint. It is an artificial joint. It is not as durable and long-lasting as a normal joint, and it is not as stable as a normal joint.
If a person with a normal joint has a total hip replacement they would not be happy. A person with mild arthritis, on the other hand, would not notice a significant improvement from total hip replacement. 95% of people with severe arthritis notice a dramatic improvement.
Total hip replacement is one of the most successful of all surgical procedures. A successful outcome means that the pain is gone and that the person can move and do their job again. A successful hip replacement will allow a person to return to the routine activities of daily living. Patients receiving hip replacements must follow some activity restrictions; with hip resurfacing, unrestricted activity is allowed.
Types of Hip Replacement
A total hip replacement is an operation designed to replace the damaged joint. All types of hip replacement are based on the principle that a section of bone must be removed from the ends of each bone (the femoral head and the acetabulum) and replaced by an artificial piece that is well fixed to the bone on both sides of the joint.
When the hip moves, two implants that are firmly attached to both bones rub against each other. This keeps the bone ends from getting sore. There are many different kinds of total hip replacements used today in Hip Arthroscopy procedures, and they can be put into different groups in different ways.
There are many brands available in each category, and there are hundreds of factors (e.g., type of metal, shape of implant, sterilization method, tools for insertion, etc.) that must be considered when choosing the appropriate implant in each case.
Patient Follow-Up
If we keep careful track of our patients and think critically about the data, we will be able to improve much more quickly than if we just read scientific papers and went to meetings. Most of the time, the best surgeons are specialists who do a lot of surgeries and look carefully at their data. We want our patients to be well informed of the surgeries we offer.
We are always trying to incorporate the latest advances into our treatment protocols. Sometimes protocols are changed based on what a patient needs or wants.
Hip resurfacing, uncemented fixation, large metal bearings, minimally invasive surgery, and custom implants are some of our top recommendations.