Rapid Recovery Program
A rapidly progressive, yet simple rehab program is made possible by minimally invasive surgery, low blood loss in surgery, good pain management and a stable implant that is unlikely to dislocate. However, some patients with weak bone conditions require a modified slowed-down version of this program.
Our therapist or trainer will teach you all the necessary exercises and give them to you in writing prior to discharge. They are very easy for phase I (first 6 weeks), basically a walking program. I DO NOT PRESCRIBE any therapist visits after discharge. At 6 weeks we progress to phase 2 of the program. At 6 months full activity including sports are allowed.
If you see me in the office at the 6-week follow-up, we teach you and give you the written protocol. If you choose remote follow-up, you will need to visit a local therapist once to learn the program. Regular therapy visits are not helpful, except in rare unusual circumstances. The exercise program is very easy to learn and follow.
However, if you have a strong desire, I will give you a therapy prescription after 6 weeks.
Download Our Protocols Below: